Hi I’m Liv, A Coach and Therapist helping women recover from toxic relationships guiding them through healing and moving forward.
Let me tell you a little bit about how I got here.

I spent much of my life struggling with relationships and looking to others to fix me—yikes, that never works right?
That left me looking for my romantic partners to “make me whole” (or some other line I heard in a love song).
But this created two massive issues in my life.
This made me vulnerable AKA easy to take advantage of. Turns out when you’re always looking for a “knight in shining armour” even an all out villain looks pretty good.
Looking for someone else to rescue me kept me stuck in a loop of chasing the high of “new relationship serotonin” only to find myself stuck in the throes of toxicity time and time again.
The first time I was ‘hit’ was in the face. I will never forget it.
It was a shouting match over the dinner table. I took my engagement ring off and said’ don’t ever speak to me like that again’. Then ‘whumph’ , across my face. I was shocked. I’d never felt so much of a mix of emotion.
Pain for my face, and disbelief that the person I loved the most, could hurt me.
You’d think this would be a wake up call, right? That I’d march right out the door and move on to live a life with someone else who wouldn’t treat me like that.
See, here’s the thing, when you’re deeply entrenched in abusive relationships of any kind, finding your way out is never as simple as “just leave”.
In fact, it took me another abusive relationship and almost a decade to figure out that I needed to love myself by doing the inner work.
That was the key.
Turning inward, learning about myself, loving myself, and finding the strength to move forward however I could.
And that’s true for most people struggling in toxic relationships. Whether they be:
romantic relationships
platonic relationships
familial relationships
work relationships
At the end of the day, relational issues often stem from a brokenness within that, with proper attention, can be healed.
My journey to healing myself was long and lonely.
After coming out the other side of my relationship struggles, I decided I never wanted another woman to go through that alone.
I could have gotten there a lot faster with the right support. But, truth be told, nothing that met my needs really existed.
It’s my mission to see you through to the other side of relational toxicity and help you grow.
So, if you’ve made it this far in reading, don’t ignore that part of yourself that says it’s time to take the next step. You don’t have to keep struggling—you can learn to not only live your life but to love your life.
I would love to help you get there.